woman holding her head

25 Effective ways to start overcoming stress and mental blocks.

Stress is at an all time high in our country’s history. Inflation is increasing and along with-it gas prices, household goods and the cost of living is going up as well. Many families are struggling to make ends meet financially. Others are faced with difficult decisions for their job. Some of those decisions include leaving a comfortable environment to pursue making more money, having problems pivoting from a field that is moving towards eliminating their position or even feeling unfulfilled in their senior level roll. Outside of finances many are dealing with stress at home and anxiety due to Covid-19. Fear is another issue that many are dealing with as well. 

According to the American Psychological Association “When considering the physical and emotional toll of increased stress, nearly half of adults (49%) report their behavior has been negatively affected. Most commonly, they report increased tension in their bodies (21%), “snapping” or getting angry very quickly (20%), unexpected mood swings (20%), or screaming or yelling at a loved one (17%). These symptoms may stem from stress caused by the pandemic, which is compounded by societal stressors that have been pervasive in previous years. 

Compared with 2019, the majority of adults still say health care (66%), mass shootings (62%) or climate change/global warming (55%) is a significant source of stress. Around half say the same about the rise in suicide rates (51%), immigration (47%), widespread sexual harassment/assault reports in the news (47%) or the opioid/heroin epidemic (45%). Only reports of mass shootings as a significant source of stress have declined significantly since 2019 (71% in 2019).  

Nearly 2 in 3 adults (65%) say the current amount of uncertainty in our nation causes them stress. Furthermore, 3 in 5 (60%) say the number of issues America faces currently is overwhelming to them. This finding speaks to the hardships many Americans may be confronting at this moment. Issues they are stressed about are not going away, they are piling up.” Stress in America™ 2020: A National Mental Health Crisis (apa.org)

 If you are feeling this way, just know that you are not alone! We all have our moments when fear and stress take over. However, we don’t have to let fear and stress win. There are things we can do to help us get back on our feet and overcome our mental blocks. 

What else causes mental blocks? 

Another cause of mental blocks is perfectionism. When we strive for perfection, we can be our own worst enemy, setting unrealistic standards that are impossible to meet. This can lead to frustration and a feeling of stagnation. To overcome this, it is important to learn to accept imperfection and progress in small increments. Finally, mental blocks can also be caused by a lack of confidence. When we doubt our abilities, it can be difficult to take risks and try new things. The key to overcoming this is to build up your self-confidence by taking on small challenges and seeing them through to completion.

stress handwritten text on white printer paper
Photo by Pedro Figueras on Pexels.com

What are some things we can do to overcome stress and our mental blocks? 

1. Take a break: When we feel overwhelmed or stressed, it can be helpful to take a step back and take a break. This can be anything from taking a few deep breaths, going for a walk, or taking a nap. Taking a break can help us overcome stress in several ways. First, it can give us time to clear our minds and refocus on what’s important. This can help us see our stressors in a new light, and often, this can help us find new and creative solutions to our problems. Additionally, taking a break can also help us to physically relax our bodies, which can in turn help to reduce our stress levels. Finally, taking a break can also help us to connect with others and find social support, which can be an important part of managing stress.

2. Identify the source of your stress: Once you know what is causing your stress, you can start to address it. If you’re not sure what is causing it, try keeping a journal to track your thoughts and feelings. If we can identify the source of our stress, we can begin to work on overcoming it. For some people, their stress comes from within themselves. They may have mental blocks that prevent them from moving forward in life. Identifying these blocks and working to overcome them can help reduce stress levels significantly. Other people’s stress may come from external sources such as their job, relationships, or finances. Once we know where our stress is coming from, we can begin to find ways to manage it and reduce its impact on our lives.

3. Develop healthy coping mechanisms: It’s important to have healthy ways to cope with stress. Some unhealthy coping mechanisms include things like drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or overeating. When we’re feeling stressed, it can be difficult to see beyond our mental blocks. But by developing healthy coping mechanisms, we can start to overcome our stress. One way to do this is to identify our main sources of stress. This can help us to understand what’s causing us to feel overwhelmed. Once we know what our triggers are, we can start to develop strategies to deal with them.

For example, if work is our main source of stress, we can try to find ways to better manage our time and workload. This might involve setting realistic goals, delegating tasks, and taking regular breaks. If we’re struggling to cope with stress on our own, it’s important to seek help from a Primary Care Physician or mental health professional. They can provide support and guidance to help us manage our stress in a healthy way.

4. Make time for yourself: It’s important to make time for yourself, even when you’re feeling stressed. This can be something as simple as taking a bath, reading your favorite book, or taking a yoga class. Making time for yourself can help you overcome stress in a number of ways. First, it allows you to take a break from your regular routine and do something that you enjoy. This can help clear your mind and give you a new perspective on things. Additionally, it can help you learn to relax and de-stress. Lastly, making time for yourself can help you build a support network of friends or family members who can offer emotional support when needed.

5. Exercise: Exercising is a great way to reduce stress. Not only does it release endorphins, but it can also help to clear your mind and give you some time to yourself. Exercise can be very beneficial in overcoming our stress. When we are stressed, our bodies go into “fight or flight” mode, which means that we are primed for action. This can lead to a lot of mental blocks, because we are so focused on the task at hand. Exercise can help us break through these mental blocks by releasing endorphins, which have a very calming effect. Additionally, exercise can help to reduce the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in our bodies. So, if you’re feeling stressed out, try going for a run or hitting the gym!

6. Connect with loved ones: When we’re feeling stressed, it can be helpful to connect with loved ones. This can be anything from talking on the phone, going for coffee, or even just sending a text message. When we feel stressed, it can be difficult to think clearly or see a way out of our situation. This is because stress creates mental blocks that prevent us from thinking creatively or considering new options. One way to overcome these mental blocks is to connect with loved ones. Talking to someone who cares about us can help us feel supported and less alone. This can give us the strength to face our stressors and find new ways to cope with them.

7. Get enough sleep: Sleep is crucial for our mental and physical health. When we’re stressed, our bodies need extra rest in order to recover. Sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. It helps us recharge and allows our bodies to heal and repair. When we don’t get enough sleep, we’re more likely to get sick, we’re less productive, and our moods suffer. Not getting enough sleep can also exacerbate stress. When we’re tired, we’re more likely to be irritable and short-tempered. We may also have difficulty concentrating and making decisions. This can lead to a vicious cycle of being stressed about not being able to get things done, which leads to poorer sleep, and so on. Therefore, getting enough sleep is crucial for overcoming stress. If you’re having trouble sleeping, there are a few things you can do to help:

  • Establish a regular sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine to help you wind down for the night.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed.
  • Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool.
  • Get up and move around during the day to keep your energy levels up.

8. Eat healthy: Eating a healthy diet can help to reduce stress levels. Be sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. When we’re under stress, our bodies go into fight-or-flight mode. This means that our hearts race, our blood pressure rises, and we start to breathe more quickly. This is all part of the body’s natural response to stress. However, if we’re constantly under stress, this fight-or-flight response can have a negative impact on our health. That’s because the stress hormone cortisol stays in our bodies for longer periods of time, and this can lead to a number of health problems.

Fortunately, there are things we can do to help our bodies cope with stress. One of the best things we can do is to eat healthy foods. Healthy foods help to lower cortisol levels and reduce inflammation. They also provide the body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. So, if you’re looking for ways to overcome stress, eating healthy is a good place to start. Remember to speak to your doctor or a nutritionist if you are struggling with your diet. 😊

9. Practice relaxation techniques: There are many different relaxation techniques that can be helpful in reducing stress. Some examples include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization. Practicing relaxation techniques can help us to overcome our stress. It can help to clear our mind and allow us to focus on the present. When we’re stressed, we may tend to dwell on past events or worry about future ones. This can cause us to feel even more stressed.

Relaxation techniques can help us to focus on the here and now, which can help to reduce our stress levels. There are a variety of relaxation techniques that we can practice. Deep breathing is one of the most common and effective methods. It helps to slow down our heart rate and lower our blood pressure. We can also try progressive muscle relaxation, which involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups. Imagery and visualization are also helpful methods of relaxation. We can focus on calming images or scenes to help us relax our mind and body.

10. Take up a hobby: Doing something you enjoy can help to reduce stress. It can be anything from painting, hiking, biking, or even just listening to music. When we’re stressed, it can feel like we’re stuck in a rut. Our minds are racing, and we can’t seem to focus on anything. Taking up a hobby can help us overcome our stress by providing a creative outlet for our mental blocks. It can also help us take a break from our everyday worries and give us something to look forward to. By taking up a hobby, we can find new friends, learn new skills, and have fun!

11. Avoid drugs and alcohol: Drugs and alcohol may seem like they help short-term, but they will only make your stress worse in the long-run. Avoiding drugs can clear our mental blocks and allow us to think more clearly. This is crucial when overcoming our stress, as we need to be able to think straight in order to find solutions. Additionally, drugs and alcohol can further increase our stress levels, making it harder to cope. Therefore, avoiding them can help us stay calm and collected, making it easier to manage our stress. Remember its okay to seek help and talk to a doctor or mental health professional for help. 

12. Seek professional help: If you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, it may be time to seek professional help. A therapist can help you learn healthy coping skills and address the underlying causes of your stress. There are a lot of things that can contribute to stress in our lives. From work and family obligations to financial worries, it can sometimes feel like we’re constantly under pressure. If we’re not careful, this stress can start to take a toll on our mental and physical health.

One way to help overcome stress is to seek professional help. Talking to a therapist or counselor can help us understand the things that are causing our stress and give us tools to deal with them. Sometimes, just having someone to talk to can make a big difference. In addition, seeking professional help can also help us identify any mental blocks that might be preventing us from overcoming our stress. By working with a professional, we can start to break down these barriers and finally start to feel better.

13. Join a support group: There are many different types of support groups available. This can be a great way to meet new people and share your experiences with others who understand what you’re going through. There are many benefits to joining a support group. Support groups provide a safe and supportive environment in which we can share our experiences and learn from others who have faced similar challenges. In addition, support groups can help us to identify and overcome our mental blocks, develop new coping mechanisms, and gain a better understanding of our stressors. Ultimately, by joining a support group, we can gain the tools and support we need to overcome our stress.

14. Spend time in nature: Spending time in nature can help to reduce stress levels. Take some time to go for a walk in the park, sit by the ocean, or just admire the stars. We all know how good spending time in nature can be for our mental and physical health, but did you know that it can also help us overcome stress? When we’re stressed, our bodies go into fight-or-flight mode, which can lead to a whole host of problems like anxiety, insomnia, and even depression. But spending time in nature can help us to relax and feel more at ease.

One study found that people who took a 90-minute walk in a natural setting had lower levels of stress hormones than those who walked for the same amount of time in an urban area. And another study found that employees who had views of nature from their office windows reported lower levels of stress than those who didn’t. So next time you’re feeling stressed, try spending some time in nature. You might just find that it helps you to overcome your stress and mental blocks.

15. Volunteer: Giving back to your community can be a great way to reduce stress. Not only will you be helping others, but you’ll also feel good about yourself. Volunteering can help us overcome our stress in several ways. First, it gives us a sense of purpose. We feel good knowing that we’re helping others, and this can boost our mood and self-confidence. Additionally, volunteering can help us take our minds off of our own problems. Instead of dwelling on our stressors, we’re focused on helping others. This can provide a much-needed distraction from our stressors and help us to feel more positive. Finally, volunteering can help us build a support network. When we volunteer, we meet new people and make new friends. These friends can provide support and encouragement when we’re feeling stressed.

16. Practice meditation: Meditation can be a great way to reduce stress and promote relaxation. There are many different ways to meditate, so find a method that works best for you. When we are stressed, it can feel like our whole world is caving in on us. We may feel like we’re not good enough, that we can’t handle what’s happening, or that we’re just not cut out for this. This can lead to all sorts of mental blocks that prevent us from moving forward in our lives.

Fortunately, there are things we can do to help overcome our stress. One of the most effective is to practice meditation. Meditation has been shown to be incredibly effective in reducing stress. It helps us to focus on the present moment, and to let go of the worry and anxiety that comes with thinking about the past or future. It allows us to see our thoughts and feelings from a different perspective, and to find peace and remain calm.

17. Take up yoga: Yoga is a great way to exercise, relax, and de-stress. There are many different types of yoga available, so find one that you enjoy and stick with it. Taking up yoga can help us overcome stress by teaching us how to control our breathing. Yoga can also help us overcome mental blocks by teaching us how to focus on the present moment. Finally, practicing yoga can help us physically by giving us a chance to stretch and strengthen our bodies.

18. Get a massage: A massage can help to improve circulation, relieve muscle tension, and reduce stress levels. Massages have been shown to provide numerous benefits, both physically and mentally. Physically, massages can help to relax our muscles and improve circulation. Mentally, massages can help to reduce anxiety and improve our mood. One of the most important benefits of a massage is its ability to help us overcome mental blocks. When we’re stressed, our thoughts can become scattered, and it can be difficult to focus on anything else. Massages can help to clear our minds and allow us to think more clearly. If you’re looking for a way to reduce stress, consider getting a massage. Not only will you feel better mentally, but you may also notice some physical benefits as well.

19. Connect with your spirituality: If you have a religious or spiritual belief system, connecting with it can help to reduce stress. This can be done by attending religious services, reading religious texts, or praying/meditating. When we are feeling stressed, it can be difficult to see beyond our immediate circumstances. Connecting with our spirituality can help us. If we take some time to connect with our higher power, we can gain a new perspective on our situation. We may even find that the answers we are looking for are already within us.

20. Listen to music: Listening to calming music can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. There are many different genres of relaxing music, so find one that you enjoy and put it on when you’re feeling stressed. Listening to music is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress. Studies have shown that music can help lower blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety levels. It can also increase endorphins, which are hormones that improve mood and decrease pain.

21. Do something creative: Expressing yourself through art, writing, or other creative outlets can be a great way to reduce stress. It can also be a fun way to express your thoughts and feelings. Doing something creative can help us to de-stress, relax and find new solutions to problems. So next time you’re feeling stressed, try one of these creative activities:

  • Draw or paint a picture
  • Write a poem or story
  • Make a collage
  • Create a new song
  • Cook or bake something new

22. Spend time with animals: Spending time with animals has been shown to reduce stress levels. If you don’t have a pet, consider volunteering at a local animal shelter. Spending time with animals can help us to overcome stress in several ways. First, by spending time with animals we are able to take a break from our normal routine and the stresses that come along with it. This can provide us with much needed mental and emotional relief. Another way that spending time with animals can help us to overcome stress is by helping us to break through mental blocks. When we are around animals, we are often more relaxed and open-minded, which can allow us to think more creatively and come up with new solutions to problems that were stressing us out. 

23. Connect with your community: Joining a club, attending community events, or simply talking to your neighbors can help to reduce stress and promote a sense of belonging. It’s no secret that stress can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress is linked to a variety of health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and depression.

One way to help overcome our stress is by connecting with our community. When we feel isolated and alone, our stress levels can spike. But when we reach out and connect with others, we can help reduce our stress. Mental health experts say that one of the best ways to combat stress is to build a strong support system. And what better way to do that than by connecting with our community? Whether it’s through a religious or spiritual group, a sports team, or simply a group of friends, being part of a community can help us feel more connected and less alone. In addition to providing support, being part of a community can also help us stay active and engaged. Doing activities with others can help take our mind off our stressors and help us stay physically healthy.

24. Help others: It can be as simple as holding the door open for someone or buying a coffee for a friend. One of the best ways to overcome our stress is to help others. Doing something nice for someone else can help to reduce stress and promote positive emotions. When we help others, we often find that our mental blocks disappear, and we are better able to cope with our own problems. Helping others can also give us a sense of purpose and satisfaction. If you are feeling stressed, try reaching out to someone else and see how you can help them. You may be surprised at how much better you feel as a result. 

25. Take a break: Sometimes the best way to reduce stress is to simply take a break from whatever is causing it. This could mean taking a few days off work, going on vacation, or just taking some time for yourself. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to ask for help. There are many resources available to help you cope with stress. By taking some time out of our busy lives, we can allow ourselves to reset and recharge. This can help us overcome mental blocks and give us the energy we need to face whatever is causing our stress. 

Conclusion: That’s a wrap on our list of 25 ways to start overcoming our stress and mental blocks. We hope you found this helpful! Stress and anxiety are a part of life for many people. However, there are ways we can start to overcome these mental blocks and live a more productive life. By taking a break, developing healthy coping mechanisms, connecting with loved ones, getting enough sleep, starting a hobby, joining a support group, or volunteering, we can find relief from our stressors. As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for future blog posts. What are some more examples we can add to the list? Let us know down below! Until next time! Don’t forget to get out my blog 12 ways to relax & improve our mental health

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