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How to Increase your Productivity at Work

Most of us in the corporate and government spaces have had our evaluations. One of the things usually mentioned is productivity. Every work environment is different. Some teams have management that creates systems that help team members to be more productive, while others rely on relics and strive to keep things the same to hold on to power and control. As a young professional it’s important to monitor your productivity at work. If you’re feeling burned out and stressed, it might be time to move to a healthier environment. Protecting your mental health and having peace of mind is important when working in the workforce. The tips listed below can also work for small business owners and entrepreneurs who might have a home or external office. Here are few things we can do/adjust to make sure that we are more productive at work.

productive text on canvas
Photo by Kevin Malik on

15 ways young professionals can increase productivity at work

1. Utilize your weekend to help prep for Monday

I know when Friday evening arrives you just want to go home and relax, possibly even start the laundry, or spend time with friends and family. However, we can utilize Sunday as a day to start prepping for Monday. Do you have a project you need to work on? Getting the information together on Sunday will help you get a jump start on that project on Monday. Before you start, make sure that you’re not irritated. Relax and listen to some music that’s soothing. If you’re not working on a specific project, you can use this time to make a list of your tasks and create a schedule for the week.

2. Make a schedule and stick to it

One of the best ways to be productive at work is to have a set schedule. This means setting specific times for when you will start and stop working on specific tasks. Of course, there is always a need for some flexibility, but having a general plan will help you stay focused and on track. To get started, sit down with a piece of paper or your electronic calendar and list out everything you need or want to accomplish for that day and in the near future. Once you have your list, look at each item and decide when you realistically can or should complete it. Now that you have a list of tasks with potential due dates, it’s time to start creating your schedule. Start by looking at your weekly calendar and blocking out time for the most important items on your list. For example, if you know you need to write a report that will take eight hours, set aside two four-hour blocks of time on different days.

3. Set priorities

Knowing what tasks are the most important can help you focus your attention on the things that really matter. Make a list of everything you need to do and then rank them in order of importance. This way, you can make sure you’re spending your time wisely. As you look at your list and calendar, keep the following in mind, you can’t do everything at once, so be realistic about what you can accomplish and when. Don’t try to pack too much into one day. Overbooking yourself will only lead to frustration and a feeling of being overwhelmed. Make sure to leave some flexibility in your schedule. Remember, life happens, and things come up. If you’re too rigid with your schedule, you’ll likely end up abandoning it altogether. Be willing to adjust as needed.

4. Take breaks

Taking breaks may seem counterintuitive, but it can help you be more productive. This is because resting gives your mind a chance to recharge, so you’ll be better able to focus when you start working again. Just make sure not to take too long of a break or you’ll lose your momentum entirely! Taking a break doesn’t mean you have to stop working altogether. In fact, taking breaks can help you be more productive. Let’s be sure not to take a long walk or use the time to go window shopping and lose track of time 😊. Here are a few tips on how to take breaks and still be productive:

  1. Get up and move around: Taking a quick walk or stretching your legs can help increase blood flow and energy levels.
  2. Take a mental break: Step away from your work and give yourself a few minutes to clear your head. Take deep breaths and focus on something else for a few minutes.
  3. Connect with nature: Spend a few minutes outside, even if it’s sitting in the sun or looking at the trees. This can help reduce stress and improve your mood.
  4. Eat healthy snacks: Fueling your body with healthy snacks will help you stay energized and focused.
  5. Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated is important for productivity. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

5. Set goals

Setting goals for yourself can give you something to work towards and help keep you motivated. Make sure these goals are realistic and achievable or you’ll only end up feeling disappointed. Remember, when you set goals, do not create goals that will get you overwhelmed. We want to increase productivity not become stagnant because we have a “full plate of food that we can’t eat.

6. Eliminate distractions

Distractions can come in many forms, but they all have one thing in common, they prevent you from being productive! Whether it’s social media, emails, or even conversations with co-workers, try to limit the things that take your attention away from your work. How many hours during the day do you spend scrolling on Instagram? How much time are you spending on the phone talking to your friends or family or texting to get the latest “tea.” Well as you were scrolling and getting the “tea” an hour or more has gone by. Then you decide that it’s a good time to take a break and head off to lunch. That’s almost 2-3 hours wasted. The “tea” and social media can wait, you have work to do.

7. Take care of yourself

This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s important to remember. Taking care of yourself is crucial to maintaining a high level of productivity. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, and exercising regularly. Staying up until 4am binge watching a Netflix series will have you drinking 4 cups of coffee to stay awake and alert at work the next day. A lot of us as young professionals go to bed late, wake up late, and sometimes get to work late. This causes the morning to be a struggle. Also make sure that your eating healthy and monitoring the amount of sugar that you are consuming. Sugar may give you energy in the morning, but it causes us to crash in the afternoons. This prevents us from being productive and instead has us thinking about our beds.

8. Get organized

An organized workspace can do wonders for your productivity. Spend some time decluttering your desk and setting up a system that works for you. This way, you’ll be able to find what you need quickly and won’t waste time searching through piles of paper. We’ve all seen that person at work with papers all over their desk, paper clips on their desk and the floor, and coffee stains that have been on the desk for weeks. Don’t be that person! Make sure that you keep things around your office space clean and organized. When your supervisor comes by and asks you for something you don’t want to have to dig around the piles of paper to find what you’re looking for.

9. Learn to say no

One of the biggest productivity killers is trying to do too much. If you’re constantly taking on new tasks, you’ll never be able to focus on any of them properly. So, learn to say no when people ask you to do things that aren’t really necessary. This does not apply to office management or your supervisor. This is more for your coworker that may have a case of procrastination or the ones who say, “Your better at doing this than I am, so do you mind doing XYZ?” At the end of the day, you have to make sure that your work is being done. It’s become extremely difficult when you’ve said yes to helping 3 people and now your deadlines are approaching and you’re falling behind on your work. Remember “yes” is sometimes very costly regarding your time.

10. Delegate

If you are a manager or business owner, you might feel obligated to hold on to your task list and get things done yourself so that your team sees you setting a good example. However, if you have too much on your plate, assign some of your tasks to someone else. This will free up your time so you can focus on the things that are truly important. Although this is a useful tip, try not to make this a habit because adding tasks to other people’s plates can become a burden especially when due dates are approaching.

11. Take advantage of technology

There are several productivity-boosting technologies available today, so make use of them! From task-management apps to productivity tracking tools, there’s sure to be something out there that can help you work more efficiently. Don’t be shy to use reminders on your phone or calendar online. Staying on top of the various job duties and meetings can help us remain productive.

12. Simplify your tasks

Another great way to increase your productivity is to simplify your tasks. If a task seems too complicated or time-consuming, break it down into smaller, more manageable parts. This way, you’ll be able to focus on each individual step and won’t feel overwhelmed by the overall project. Simplifying tasks can also help with tracking your progress. When we can see that our work is being done efficiently, it helps us to continue to work and finish the task at hand. This will boost your productivity levels and help you get more done in less time. To start defining what needs to be done, think about what are the specific goals you need to achieve? What are the steps you need to take to get there? Next, break down the task into smaller, more manageable steps and prioritize the steps according to importance and urgency. Finally, focus on one step at a time and reward yourself for completing tasks!

13. Remove yourself from toxic environments

Sometimes we aren’t productive because of the environment we are in. Toxic environments can take a toll on your productivity levels. It’s important to know how to identify these environments and remove yourself from them in order to be productive. When you are in a positive environment it makes it easier to come to work and tackle your day. You don’t want to be in an environment where you dread opening your emails when you arrive at work in the morning, or where there are team members that make you uncomfortable. Here are a few key signs that you may be in a toxic environment:

  • You feel drained after spending time in a certain place or around certain people
  • You find yourself dreading going to certain places or being around certain people
  • You feel like you have to put on a mask or put up a barrier in order to protect yourself from toxic energy
  • You often feel tense, anxious, or agitated in certain environments

If you find yourself in any of these situations, it’s important to take a step back and assess the situation. Your mental wellbeing is important, and you deserve to be in an environment helps you to thrive and not wither.

14. Apply for a different Job

Sometimes when we’ve worked in a specific unit for a long time might feel as if were a robot. When you’re in a role that’s familiar to you, it’s easy to get into a rut and become complacent. Applying for a new job, on the other hand, forces you to really think about your skills and experience, and how they can be applied in a new way. This process of self-reflection can help you see your strengths in a new light and give you the motivation to push yourself harder. Being productive also includes us challenging ourselves so we can continue to grow and build our careers.

15. Just start

Sometimes, the hardest part of a task is simply getting started. But once you finally take that first step, the rest will be much easier. So don’t wait around, just start working on whatever it is you need to do. Just start the task and be productive. It is that simple. Just jump in and get started on the task at hand. Do not procrastinate or delay, just start working on it. You will find that once you start, the task is not as daunting as it seemed at first. Just take the first step and see how far you can go. Of course, there are always going to be some tasks that are more difficult than others. However, if you just start working on them, you will be surprised at how much progress you can make. Not starting is one of the things that not only prevents us from being productive in the office, it also hinders us from pursuing our dreams and goals.


Increasing our productivity is a way for us to remain engaged at work. There are many different techniques that can be used to increase productivity at work. It’s important to start by setting goals and then finding a system that works for you to achieve them. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so experiment with different tactics until you find what works best for you. We hope this list helps you to be more productive in the workplace. Are there other techniques that you’ve found helpful in the past? Please let us know down below so that we can continue to update this list and help everyone who is looking for more ways to be productive. Until next time!

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