Paying Down Debt

dollar bills on top of a laptop

 20 ways to manage our money better! 

Managing our money better is vital if we are to have financial independence. Currently, inflation is high. The cost of living has been growing for years and has now turned into the boogie man for most American families. Jobs have been trying to give more raises, but most getting the raise are still just breaking even. In times like these we must be more disciplined and create a financial plan. If we don’t create a plan and take time to listen to the economic reports coming out; we will feel more financial strain because we were blindsided. So, what are some ways that we can manage our money better? 

 20 ways to manage our money better!  Read More »

woman in white button up shirt holding money

13 Ways To Have a Better Relationship with Money.

If there is a year to have a better relationship with money it should be this year. After experiencing a pandemic and seeing millions of people lose their jobs without having a backup plan. How could we not look into our finances and develop a better relationship with money? One of the things we have to do before we start to have a better relationship with money is decide to make a commitment. Making a commitment is very important to starting any journey. Consistency will also help us to have a better relationship with money. After we’ve made a commitment to this journey, we can start making moves. Here are 13 ways we can have a better relationship with money.

13 Ways To Have a Better Relationship with Money. Read More »

office writing business money

8 Reasons Why Life Insurance is a MUST!

So, life insurance is for old people, right? Yea, I kind of thought the same thing too until I did some research on life insurance. Life insurance is a contract between the policyholder and the insurer. The insured agrees to pay a premium to the insurer/carrier in exchange for a sum of money sent to their beneficiary when the insured dies. Life insurance can be helpful in case of the death of a spouse, child, or family member. Here are 8 reasons why life insurance is a must.

8 Reasons Why Life Insurance is a MUST! Read More »

3 Life Insurance policies and how they can help us!

Life insurance is a great way to protect your family in the event of a death. We have all seen the commercials on TV, but sometimes it doesn’t seem like it would benefit us at the time. Some may feel that life insurance is just for the elderly. That’s not true, life insurance premiums are cheaper when you’re younger and get more expensive as you age. Also, health conditions play a key part in the cost as well. I have seen many circumstances where someone’s family member dies, and the loved ones of the deceased have to start a GoFundMe or other types of fundraisers just to pay for the funeral and related expenses. That influenced my decision to get a policy for myself to protect my family if I were to die unexpectedly. 

3 Life Insurance policies and how they can help us! Read More »

gold colored coins near calculator

7 Reasons We Should Start to Budget

We are all looking for ways to get in control of our finances. There are many ways we can start. One of the first steps we can take is by budgeting. Budgeting is not just for Mom and Dad! Budgeting is a way for us to organize how we are spending and not be surprised by costs and waking up to overdrafted bank accounts. I’m sure there are more than seven reasons but these are my seven 🙂 and I will like to hear some of your reasons in the comments below. Enjoy! 

7 Reasons We Should Start to Budget Read More »

man using turned on macbook pro on white printer papers

Ownership: Where do we even start?

In my opinion, one of the topics that is discussed the most among entrepreneurs is ownership. Most entrepreneurs have found their niche and are discovering new ways to gain access to ownership and build wealth. I have learned that wealth is much different from being rich. For most of my life I thought rich and wealthy were the same thing. Well, I was wrong. I remember hearing someone put it this way; “most of the time the wealthy are the ones that are signing the checks of the rich.” Part of building wealth includes creating a money-making engine that doesn’t require hours of your time to operate. After years of that “money making” engine working, you are able to use that money and make even more money by compounding it year after year. 

Ownership: Where do we even start? Read More »

black steel pet cage with one dollar

6 Debt Traps to Avoid

Debt is becoming a huge problem not only for the nation but also for young adults. According to The Pew Research Center, Americans owe over $1.3 trillion in student loan debt. That report came out in March of 2019 and I’m sure now that we are in 2021 that debt has increased. Most families rely on the government to help pay for their college degree, but the cost of college degrees are going up and so is the related debt. Student loans aren’t the only debt that’s affecting our generation.

Other debt traps include not understanding how a mortgage loan or credit cards work. These issues affect most communities but are DEVASTATING to the black and brown communities. Most of us have discussions about building wealth and ownership in our communities, but building wealth becomes very complex when you are buried in $300,000 worth of debt. Can we break free from the debt traps devastating our generation? I believe we can if we begin to understand the “true cost” of borrowing.

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