How can we teach our children about finances? Here are 10 ways!
Finances are just for adults, right? If you said yes, then I respectfully disagree with you. We sometimes say to ourselves “I wish I started learning about finances when I was younger.” So, why is it that our children can’t start learning about finances at a young age? In the times that we are living in now I believe we should, if we haven’t already, share our view of finances with our family in our household. Now, I am not saying that your child should know how much your credit limit is or the balances on your loans. What I am saying is, a child should know the basics of finances like not to go over 30% of credit utilization and staying under 10% is preferred. They should learn about budgeting and investing. They should learn about APR and amortization schedules. You don’t have to show them your financial statements if you are uncomfortable with that because there are plenty of examples on the internet. Our schools do not teach this information, so we have to start finding ways to do it ourselves. Here are 10 ways we can teach our kids and young adults about finances.
How can we teach our children about finances? Here are 10 ways! Read More »