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New to Blogging? Don’t Give Up!

Blogging is a lot of fun and can be very rewarding, but if you’re new to the blogging world and you’ve been watching videos and reading books, you’re probably starting to get exhausted by all of the tasks that you need to get done. I must admit, I don’t have any friends or relatives that blog. I am new to blogging and have learned many of the things I now know through research, reading relevant books, and taking courses. Here are some common things that can make some bloggers give up on blogging shortly after starting. 

New to Blogging? Don’t Give Up! Read More »

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Writing a book? Here are some tips to help you!

Writing a book can seem very difficult if you aren’t familiar with the process. Now I must admit, there are some tedious steps involved in writing a book, but it’s not anything to pull your hair out over. I remember when I first thought about writing a book. It was in March or April of 2016. I started off by researching what I needed to do. In that research I came across a few articles stating “Writing a book was a waste of time.” I read the articles and it instilled a lot of doubt. From that point I struggled with starting to write my book. I would begin to write and then think that it wasn’t good enough and ended up starting over and over and over again. Eventually, I began to get frustrated and I gave up completely. I didn’t believe in my writing and I wasn’t disciplined enough to keep at it. Have you experienced this before? If so, you are not alone. Well, it is now 2021 and I am happy to report that I am in the editing phase of my novel. Here are some tips that can help you get started and keep going with writing a book.

Writing a book? Here are some tips to help you! Read More »