colorful toothed wheels

Automation. What are the Benefits?

The word “automation” gets thrown around a lot these days, but what does it mean? Put simply, automation is the use of technology to complete tasks that would otherwise be done by human beings. This can include everything from manufacturing products to handling customer service inquiries. In recent years, automation has been adopted by businesses in a wide variety of industries as a way to increase efficiency and boost profitability. I was reading an article that shared some concerns about the use of automation in the workplace. Byron Auguste, member of the Washington Center for Equitable Growth’s Steering Committee and the CEO and co-founder of Opportunity at Work, wrote the article “Understanding How U.S. workers Can Benefit From Workplace Automation and Artificial Intelligence”. This article shared some valuable information and insight into the rise in automation processes in the workplace. Byron shares:

“The daily economic news cycle is awash with stories these days about the threat of automation and artificial intelligence to the future of work for hundreds of millions of U.S. workers. Amid near-hysteria over ostensibly widening “skills gaps” and deepening labor shortages in key U.S. production and services industries—stories that are especially scary as the coronavirus pandemic enters its third year—workers across the country are hearing that these technologies are inexorably destroying their sources of livelihoods now and well into the future. These stories could not be more pessimistic about the future of work in our nation. And they could not be more wrong. The reason? Technology is not like gravity. Workplace automation and artificial intelligence technologies do what the humans who design and deploy them are rewarded to have them do. Those rewards can be changed.”

Source: Understanding how U.S. workers can benefit from workplace automation and artificial intelligence – Equitable Growth

As you can see automation isn’t just great for personal finances. It can be beneficial to the workplace and for small businesses.

Let’s go over 5 common myths about automation:

1. Automation is only for big businesses.

Reality: Small businesses can benefit from automation just as much as large businesses. Automating tasks can help small businesses save time and money.

2. Automation is expensive.

Reality: Automation doesn’t have to be expensive. There are many affordable automation tools available that can save businesses time and money.

3. Automation will replace human employees.

Reality: Automation can complement human employees by taking on repetitive tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more creative work.

4. Automation is difficult to set up.

Reality: Automation tools are designed to be easy to use and require little to no technical expertise to set up.

5. Automation is risky.

Reality: Automation can help businesses avoid risks by automating tasks that are prone to errors. It can also help businesses recover from disasters more quickly.

As we progress through the next couple of years we will begin to see more automation being used. There are several benefits of automation not just for big and small businesses, but also in the workplace. As young professionals, automation can provide us with more opportunities and reduce redundancy in the workplace. Let’s take a closer look at some of the main benefits of automation.

Here are 15 ways Automation can be beneficial.

close up photo of robot object
Photo by Alena Darmel on

1. Increased Productivity

One of the most obvious benefits of automation is that it can help businesses boost their overall productivity levels. This is because automated systems can work around the clock without getting tired, and they make far fewer mistakes than humans do. As a result, businesses that have adopted automation technologies can get more work done in less time, which can save them a lot of money in the long run.

 2. Improved Quality Control

Another benefit of automation is that it can help businesses to improve the quality of their products and services. This is because automated systems are generally much more accurate and consistent than human workers. As a result, businesses that use automation technologies can be sure that their products are being made to the highest possible standard. This can help to attract more customers and boost profits significantly.

 3. Reduced Costs

In addition to increased productivity and improved quality control, another major benefit of automation is that it can help businesses to reduce their costs. This is because automated systems generally require less maintenance and upkeep than human workers do. Additionally, businesses that use automation technologies can often get by with fewer employees overall, which can lead to significant savings on labor costs.

4. Improved efficiency

There are several ways in which automation can improve efficiency. For example, by automating data entry and other administrative tasks, businesses can reduce the amount of time spent on these tasks. In addition, automating customer communication can help businesses to improve their customer service levels. Automating marketing tasks can also help businesses to reach their target audiences more effectively.

5. Reduce errors

Another key benefit of automation is that it can help to reduce errors. This is because automated systems can be designed to carry out tasks in a precise and consistent manner, minimizing the chances of human error. In many cases, automating a task can also help to speed up its execution, further reducing the potential for errors.  In industries where even a small error can have major consequences, such as in healthcare or manufacturing, automation can be vital in ensuring high levels of quality control.

6. Improve quality

By reducing the need for manual input and increasing the accuracy of data collection, automation can help to reduce errors and improve the overall quality of information. In addition, automating repetitive tasks can free up time for employees to focus on higher-level tasks that require more attention and care. Ultimately, by improving efficiency and quality, automation can help to improve the bottom line for businesses.

7. Speed up production time

Speeding up production time is a benefit of automation for several reasons. First, automated machines can work faster than humans. This means that more products can be produced in a shorter amount of time. Second, automated machines can work for longer periods without getting tired. This means that production can be continuous and not interrupted by breaks. Finally, automated machines can often work with higher precision than humans. This means that there are fewer errors in the final product. All of these factors contribute to a faster production time, which is a benefit of automation.

8. Improve communication

Another benefit of automation is improved communication. Automation can help to streamline communication processes and make it easier for people to connect. This can be beneficial in many ways, including:

  • Enhancing customer service
  • Improving team collaboration
  • Reducing the need for manual data entry

Improved communication is just one of the many benefits that automation can offer. When used correctly, automation can help businesses to improve their operations in several ways.

9. Free up time for other tasks

Automation can help free up time for other tasks by automating certain processes. This can include tasks such as scheduling appointments, sending reminders, and managing customer information. By automating these processes, businesses can save time and resources that can be better spent on other tasks. Additionally, automation can help improve efficiency and accuracy by eliminating the need for manual input and data entry. Automation can also help to improve customer satisfaction by providing a faster and more efficient way to manage customer information.

10. Improve customer satisfaction

When it comes to customer satisfaction, automation can be a major boon for businesses. By automating key processes and tasks, businesses can free up time and resources that can be used to improve the customer experience in other ways. Additionally, automation can help businesses to improve accuracy and consistency in their operations, leading to fewer mistakes and happier customers. In short, automating key business processes can help to improve customer satisfaction in several ways. And that’s good news for businesses of all sizes.

11. Automation can increase sales and profits

Automation can help businesses increase sales and profits in many ways. By automating tasks that would otherwise be performed manually, businesses can free up time and resources to focus on more revenue-generating activities. In addition, automation can help businesses improve their efficiency and accuracy, which can lead to increased sales and profits. Finally, automated systems can help businesses keep track of customer data and trends, which can be used to generate more sales. Overall, automation can be a powerful tool for businesses that are looking to increase their sales and profits.

12. Reduce waste and optimize resources

Automation can help reduce waste and optimize resources in many ways. For example, automated machines can be programmed to produce only the amount of product needed, which helps avoid excess production and waste. Automation can also help streamline processes to use fewer resources overall. Additionally, automated systems can often work faster and more efficiently than manual ones, leading to further resource savings. Ultimately, by reducing waste and optimizing resources, automation can help improve a company’s bottom line.

13. Reduce environmental impact

Another benefit of automation is that it can help to reduce environmental impact. By automating processes and tasks, businesses and organizations can save energy and resources, which can in turn help to reduce their carbon footprint. Automation can also help to improve efficiency and productivity, which can further reduce environmental impact. In addition, automated systems can often be designed to run on renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power. This means that automating can not only help reduce environmental impact but also help to create a more sustainable future.

 14. Require less maintenance

An additional benefit of automation is that it requires less maintenance. This is because automated systems can be designed to run with minimal supervision or intervention. This means that they are less likely to break down or need repairs and can operate for longer periods without needing to be serviced. In addition, automated systems can often be monitored remotely, which further reduces the need for on-site maintenance.

15. Automation creates jobs rather than replace them

A key benefit of automation is that it can create jobs rather than replace them. In fact, according to a study by the McKinsey Global Institute, as many as 73 million jobs could be created globally by 2030 as a result of increased automation.

This is because automation often leads to increased efficiency and productivity in businesses, which in turn creates new opportunities for growth and expansion. In other words, rather than simply replacing human jobs with machines, automation can help to create new and better jobs for humans to do.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that there won’t be any job losses as a result of automation. It’s estimated that around 30 million jobs could be lost globally by 2030 as a result of increased automation. However, these job losses are expected to be offset by the creation of new jobs, resulting in a net gain of around 43 million jobs globally by 2030.

So, while there may be some short-term pain as businesses adjust to automation, the long-term benefits are clear. It can help to create new jobs and opportunities, rather than simply replacing existing ones.

Source: Automation and the workforce of the future | McKinsey


Automation will become an essential part of our lives. We will use it to make mundane, repetitive tasks easier and faster. It can help us save time and energy. For example, if you have a task that you have to do every day, like checking your email, you can automate that process, so you don’t have to waste time doing it manually each day.

You can also use automation to complete tasks that require more cognitive effort, like scheduling social media posts or creating reports. This frees up your time and energy so you can focus on other things. Another benefit of automation is that it helps us be more efficient. By automating certain tasks, we can get them done faster and better than if we were to do them manually. Additionally, automated systems often produce consistent results, which is important in fields where accuracy is critical, like finance or healthcare.

Finally, one of the biggest benefits of automation is that it helps us reduce errors. When we automate a process, we remove the possibility of human error from the equation. This not only saves time and money but also keeps people safe. In conclusion, while there are certainly some drawbacks to automation – like job loss – the pros outweigh them by far. We should continue to embrace this technology as it becomes more ubiquitous in our lives. What are your thoughts on automation? What are some pros and cons you’ve seen? Let us know down below! If this article can be helpful to someone feel free to share. Until next time!  Check out my other blog How can Young Professionals be More Organized?

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