portrait of smiling owners at cafe window

How Can the Black Community be More Financially Responsible

I recently had a conversation with a group about not waiting for others to throw them a safety net. We need to be more financially responsible. For years we’ve been looking for the government to help us with our problems in our community. Crime is at an all-time high; the literacy rates of black boys and girls have been falling even before the COVID-19 pandemic and has gotten worse. We’ve heard that spending needs to be increased in order to solve the problems in our community. Well, billions of dollars are getting sent to some areas and still to this day we aren’t seeing any improvements. Financially we are doing better as a community, but our family wealth isn’t increasing. Money is being spent and products are being consumed yet still our communities are in the same conditions they have been for decades. According to CNBC ‘s Frank Holland, when he joined ‘Squawk Box’ to report, Black spending power reached a record $1.6 trillion in 2021, although the group’s net worth declined 14%.” 

I remember my grandfather once told me “Change starts at home.” If we want to be more financially responsible in our communities, we must change our mindset first. We must not just talk about the issues in our communities, but also act to be more responsible individually and as family units. Here are a few simple but very effective ways we can be financially responsible in our communities.  

man standing beside his wife teaching their child how to ride bicycle and be financially responsible
Photo by Agung Pandit Wiguna on Pexels.com

1. Reading more and Researching

We can be financially responsible in our community by reading more and doing our research. By reading about personal finance, we can learn how to better manage our money. We can also learn about the different options available to us when it comes to investing and saving. By researching the different options, we can make sure that we are making the best choices for our financial future. If we don’t read and research before making decisions, we can be taken advantage of by others. 

2. Creating a budget and sticking to it.

We can be financially responsible in our community by creating a budget and sticking to it. Creating a budget and sticking to it can help us to be more financially responsible in our communities. This is because it allows us to better manage our money and makes us more aware of our spending. When we are on a budget, we are less likely to impulse buy or make unnecessary purchases. This can help us save money which can then be used to invest. 

3. Investing in our future

We can be financially responsible in our community by investing in our future. Making smart financial choices today can help lay the foundation for a more financially secure tomorrow. By investing in our future, we can build a brighter future for ourselves and our communities. Being financially responsible requires us to think about the long-term implications of our decisions. When we make choices that benefit us in the short term but put us at risk in the long term, we are not being financially responsible. For example, maxing out our credit cards and taking on high-interest debt is not financially responsible. On the other hand, investing in our future is financially responsible. When we invest, we are putting our money into something that has the potential to grow over time. This can include investing in stocks, bonds, and other assets. Over time, these investments can grow and provide us with a more secure financial future.

4. Being mindful of our spending. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by being mindful of our spending. When it comes to our finances, being mindful of our spending can help us to be more financially responsible in our communities. By being aware of how much money we’re spending, we can keep track of our expenses better and make sure that we’re not overspending. This can help us to save money in the long run and use it more wisely. By being mindful of our spending, we can also help to support our local businesses and economies. When we spend money mindfully, we’re more likely to utilize businesses that are important to our community. This means that our spending can have a positive impact on our community, rather than simply benefiting large corporations.

5. Paying off debt. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by paying off debt. One way that paying off debt can help us to be more financially responsible in our communities is by setting an example. When we are financially responsible, we show our friends, family, and neighbors that it is possible to live without debt. We can encourage them to be financially responsible as well. Another way that paying off debt can help us to be more financially responsible in our communities is by freeing up money. When we are not bogged down by debt, we have more money to spend on other things. We can use that money to support local businesses, to invest in our community, or to donate to causes that we care about.

6. Building up our credit score. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by building up our credit score. Building up our credit score can help us to be more financially responsible in our communities. A good credit score is essential for accessing loans and financial services, and it can also help us to get lower interest rates on loans. By building up our credit score, we can demonstrate our financial responsibility to lenders and other financial institutions, which can in turn help to support our community. In addition, a good credit score can also help us to save money on interest payments, which can be used to support other financially responsible initiatives in our community. By building up our credit score, we can make a positive impact on our community and demonstrate our commitment to financial responsibility.

7. Living within our means.

We can be financially responsible in our community by living within our means.  This means not spending more money than we have, and only buying things that we really need. When we live within our means, we are less likely to get into debt. This means that we can avoid financial problems in the future and help to keep our community financially healthy. Living within our means can be difficult, but it is worth it in the long run. 

8. Being financially literate. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by being financially literate. Being financially literate means having the ability to understand and use financial concepts. This includes being able to budget, save, and invest money. Financial literacy also encompasses financial responsibility – the ability to make sound decisions about spending and borrowing. When individuals are financially responsible, it can have a positive ripple effect on the community. For example, financially responsible individuals are less likely to default on loans or fall behind on rent or mortgage payments. This can help to stabilize the local housing market and reduce the overall vacancy rate. A lower vacancy rate can lead to increased property values and a healthier local economy.

9. Educating ourselves on personal finance. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by educating ourselves on personal finance. When it comes to being financially responsible in our communities, educating ourselves on personal finance is a key component. By understanding financial concepts and principles, we can make more informed decisions about our money. This can help us to better manage our finances and make choices that are in the best interests of our community. In addition to personal financial education, there are other ways to be financially responsible in our communities. For example, we can support local businesses and organizations that are committed to responsible financial practices. We can also advocate for policies and regulations that promote financial responsibility.

10. Taking advantage of financial resources. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by taking advantage of financial resources. taking advantage of financial resources can make all the difference. With access to the right resources, we can better manage our finances and make sound decisions for our future. There are a variety of financial resources available to us, including government programs, financial institutions, and community organizations. By taking advantage of these resources, we can become more financially responsible in our communities.

11. Creating a financial plan.

We can be financially responsible in our community by creating a financial plan. Creating a financial plan is one of the most important things we can do to be financially responsible in our communities. A financial plan helps us to set goals, track our progress, and make informed decisions about our finances. Without a financial plan, it’s easy to overspend and get into debt. This can have a negative impact on our credit score and make it difficult to get loans for homes, cars, or other large purchases. A financial plan can help us avoid these problems by giving us a clear roadmap to follow. 

Creating a financial plan is not always easy, but it is worth the effort. There are many resources available to help us get started, including books, websites, and financial planners. The most important thing is to get started and to keep moving forward.

12. Tracking our progress. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by tracking our progress. When it comes to our finances, tracking our progress can be a helpful way to gauge whether we are being financially responsible in our communities. By keeping tabs on where our money is going and how much we are saving, we can make sure that we are making the most of our resources. Additionally, by sharing this information with others in our community, we can help to create a more financially responsible culture.

13. Avoiding impulse purchases. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by avoiding impulse purchases. Impulse buying can lead to debt and financial problems down the road, so avoiding it altogether is the best way to stay responsible with our finances. There are a few ways to avoid impulse purchases. One way is to try to stick to a budget. If you know how much money you must spend each month, you’ll be less likely to impulse buy something that you can’t really afford. Another way is to try to only shop when you need something. If you make a list of the things, you need before you go to the store, you’ll be less likely to impulse buy something that you don’t really need.

14. Waiting for sales before making big purchases. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by waiting for sales before making big purchases. This can help us to save money and use it more wisely. For example, let’s say you need a new car. You could buy the first one you see, or you could wait for a sale and get a better deal. If you buy the first one you see, you might not get the best price. But if you wait for a sale, you could save money on your purchase.

The same is true for other big purchases like houses and appliances. If you can wait for a sale, you can get a better deal sometimes. Remember to do your research and don’t be afraid to ask experts in those fields’ questions. 

15. Comparison shopping. 

We can be financially responsible in our community with comparison shopping. comparison shopping can be a big help. By taking the time to compare prices on items we need or want, we can often find better deals that save us money. And when we save money, that means we have more to spend on other things or to save for future needs. Comparison shopping can also help us to be more financially responsible by making sure we are getting the most for our money. When we know we are spending less on an item, we can feel good about our purchase and be confident that we are using our money wisely.

16. Buying in bulk when it makes sense to do so. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by buying in bulk.  When we buy in bulk, we can save money on the items that we purchase. This can help us to be more financially responsible in our communities. By being financially responsible, we can put more money back into the community and help to support local businesses. Buying in bulk can also help to reduce the amount of packaging that is used, which can help to reduce the amount of waste that is produced. 

17. Learning to negotiating prices and salary. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by learning to negotiating prices and salary. This can help us get the best possible deals on the things we need and ensure that we’re being paid fairly for our work. Learning to negotiate can be a valuable skill in today’s economy. Not only can it help us get the best possible deals on the things we need, but it can also help us make sure that we’re being paid fairly for our work. With the rise of inflation and the cost of living going up, learning to negotiate our salary can help give us a cushion to stay ahead of rising cost. 

18. Investing in quality over quantity.

We can be financially responsible in our community by investing in quality over quantity. Investing in quality items means that we are less likely to have to replace them as often, which saves us money in the long run. It also means that we are supporting businesses that produce high-quality goods, which helps to create jobs and grow the economy.

19. Sharing resources with others. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by sharing resources with others.  Sharing resources with others in our communities can help us to be more financially responsible. By sharing resources, we can reduce the amount of money that we need to spend on individual items. This can help us to save money and use our resources more efficiently. In addition, sharing resources with others can also help to build strong community ties. When we share resources with others, we can create a sense of connection and community. This can help us to feel more financially responsible in our communities.

20. Bartering and trading goods and services. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by bartering and trading goods and services. Bartering and trading goods and services can be a great way to be financially responsible in our communities. By bartering and trading, we can reduce the amount of money that needs to exchange hands, which can help to keep our community financially healthy. In addition, bartering and trading can help us to get what we need without spending money

21. Being mindful of our energy consumption. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by being mindful of our energy consumption. Many of us in our communities are not financially responsible when it comes to energy consumption. This can have a negative impact on the community. By being mindful of our energy consumption, we can be more financially responsible in our communities. There are many ways to be financially responsible when it comes to energy consumption. One way is to make sure that you are using energy efficient appliances. Another way is to make sure that you are not using more energy than you need to. Another way to be financially responsible when it comes to energy consumption is to make sure that you are using renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources can help to reduce the amount of money that you spend on your energy bill. 

22. Investing in green energy sources. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by investing in green energy sources. Investing in green energy sources is a great way to help our communities. Not only does it help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, but it can also save us money in the long run. There are several different green energy sources that we can invest in, ranging from solar and wind power to geothermal and hydroelectric. Each has its own set of benefits, so it’s important to do our research to see which one would be the best fit for our communities. 

23. Conserving resources. 

We can be financially responsible in our community by conserving resources. There are many ways that conserving resources can help us to be more financially responsible in our communities. One way is by reducing our overall consumption of resources. This can save money for both individuals and businesses, which can then be reinvested back into the community. Another way that conserving resources can help us to be more financially responsible is by reducing our waste. This includes everything from food and paper to energy and water. Reducing our waste helps to conserve resources, which can save money and help to protect our environment.

Finally, conserving resources can also help us to be more financially responsible by improving our efficiency. This means using less energy, water, and other resources to achieve the same result. This can save money and help to reduce our impact on the environment. Conserving resources is an important way that we can be more financially responsible in our communities. By reducing our overall consumption, waste, and improving our efficiency, we can help to save money and protect our environment.

24. Investing in health programs.

 We can be financially responsible in our community by investing in health programs. There are many ways that investing in health programs can help us to be financially responsible in our communities. For one, healthy residents are less likely to require expensive medical care, so investing in prevention and wellness programs can save money in the long run. Additionally, healthier residents are more productive, which can have a positive impact on the local economy. Finally, investing in health programs can help to create a sense of community and social cohesion, which can lead to more efficient and effective use of resources. By investing in health programs, we can make our communities stronger and more financially stable.

25. Invest in ourselves.

We can be financially responsible in our community by invest in ourselves. One of the best ways to become financially responsible in our communities is to invest in ourselves. When we invest in our own education, health, and well-being, we are more likely to be financially successful and able to give back to our community. By taking care of ourselves, we can create a ripple effect of positive change that will benefit everyone around us. 


This is just the beginning of a larger conversation about financial responsibility within the black community. Some of our communities have been dealt a tough hand, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do something about it. There are plenty of ways for us to be more financially responsible and start building wealth for ourselves and our families. We just need to be willing to learn and work hard. What are some things you think our communities can do to become more financially responsible? We want to hear from you! Let us know in the comments below what other examples of being financially responsible you would like to see, and how we can work together as a community to improve our finances.  Check out my blog 13 Ways To Have a Better Relationship with Money.

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